Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How whatch TV on omnia

All of My Dear Followers! :)

At least there are 3 ways to watch TV on Omnia, The first simple and usefull way is to put your faviorat TV LINK in your Windows media player ,so first you should know the link to your free online tv channel. to get the url see The tv site or search it on www.tvchannelsfree.com or other online free tv providers , for example for watching voice of america persian news you may go to site and tab on "show live " high /low quality it is optional then you will see windows media plater start to show tv ,Now right click on its name in media player bar and choose "option" search a link starts with MMS "mms://a775.l211048413.c2110.g.lm.akamaistream.net/D/775/2110/v0001/reflector:48413" copy it and paste in a note pad file copy this file to your omnia then open and tab , it will open your omnia media player now enjoy watching live voa another way is to tab your web tab on pocket media player it will switch to a site includes some live tv and you can select your faviorate...
another way is using SPB TV -a very nice pannel but limited list.

also you can watch YOUTUBE channels on your CORE
PLAYER , or stream player

another way watching tv by using SKYFIRE browser on free tv providewrs sites like : http://www.livestream.com


RealRed said...

you may get links via this usefeul site: www.tvchannelsfree.com

Anonymous said...

bbc tv :mms://a775.l211048413.c2110.g.lm.akamaistream.net/D/775/2110/v0001/reflector:48413

Anonymous said...
